Terms of Services

This Personal Data Privacy Policy constitutes an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of operation of the Site. The data controller of your data, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), is the société anonyme under the name www.hellenic.org with registered seat at the: 630 EAST CAPITOL ST NE WASHINGTON, DC, 20003-1233, USA may collect personal information about you from various sources, in accordance with applicable law. Indicatively, we may collect personal information about you when you register on the Site. We value and respect your privacy to the greatest extent possible and necessary for the proper operation of the Site and the proper use of this Site by you. We assure you that any personal information that you give to us is kept strictly confidential.


We do not collect personal data, unless you wish to provide it to us. For example, if you decide to register on the Site or participate in an online survey, you may be asked to provide certain information, such as your contact information (e.g., name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, user name and password etc). If you do not wish us to collect any personal data about you, please do not provide us with any such information.


We collect information about you when you register on the Site;
If you provide personal data on behalf of a third person, you must ensure that the said third person has previously been informed of this Personal Data Privacy Policy. In order to keep your information up-to-date, we kindly request that you inform us of any changes in the data we process about you.


The data we collect about you is used in order:
  • to create and manage your online account
  • to answer your requests
  • to inform you about our news, events or other matters that may be of interest to you, if the statutory conditions are met
  • to contact you for any issue
  • to conduct market research, if we have your consent
  • to create your personalized profile via statistical processes in order to offer you personalized proposals
  • To comply with our legal obligations and exercise our legal rights.

In case we use your information for any other purpose, we will inform you accordingly upon its collection.


Hellenic Innovation Network does not sell nor transmit or otherwise disclose any of your personal data to third parties without your consent, save for the exceptions below. Hellenic Innovation Network may share your personal data with:

  • In the context of their activities and according to the provisions of the law on international data transfers, if applicable
  • Its business partners, for the purposes set out in this Personal Data Privacy Policy;
  • Any public authority or court, if so required by the law or by court order.


Your personal data is processed preferably within the European Economic Area (EEA). If data processing takes place in countries outside the EEA, we will ensure that your personal data will be processed under appropriate safety standards.
Certain countries outside the EEA have been officially characterized by the European Union as countries rendering an adequate data protection level. Consequently, data transfers to these countries does not require any special license or approval.
In countries for which no such decision has been taken, we will either request your consent for the transfer or we will forward the data based on the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission which impose respective data protection obligations directly on the recipient or, otherwise, we will provide appropriate guarantees for the transfer in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, unless we are allowed by law to otherwise effect such transfer.


When you visit the Site, we collect specific information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, web beacons and log files. Please see in this respect Cookies Policy.


Our site https://hellenic.org  uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our site. It also provides you with a good experience when browsing, linking and moving to pages. Cookies allow you to enjoy some features (such as storing basket contents), use social sharing (for Facebook, Instagram, etc.) as well as personalized messages and displaying ads according to your interests (both on our site and on others). They also help us understand how the site is used.

You can learn more about cookies and how we use them below. For more information about processing your personal data from Hellenic Innovation Network, you can read the Privacy Policy.
Cookies are small text files that contain information stored in your computer’s web browser and can be removed at any time. They can help us identify your computer the next time you visit our site or to activate some features on our web pages. Cookies are classified in the following categories:

  • Essential Cookies
  • Statistics Cookies
  • Targeting / Advertising Cookies


These cookies, also known as ”strictly necessary” cookies, are essential for the proper operation of the  www.hellenic.org. They are used exclusively for the transmission of communications on an electronic communications network or, when is strictly necessary, to a service provider which has explicitly requested the party or user to provide this service. They are technically necessary for the operation of the site and your consent is not required for their use.

Statistics cookies are used to record information about your site navigation. This has the effect of adjusting the areas of our page to your needs and thus maintaining the level of navigation experience. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor. Are also used for useful reports to improve site’s performance.
Targeting and advertising cookies are used to deliver the content that suits you and your interests. They can be used to send targeted ads/offers, limit ad impressions, or measure an ad campaign’s effectiveness. By choosing these cookies, you can see targeted ads on our site depending on your preferences and interests. These ads are displayed by third parties, inside and outside of our webpage. You may withdraw your consent that allows us to process your personal data for the indicated purpose at any time with effect for the future.You can completely disable cookies in your browser at any time. In particular, you may configure your web browser settings so that all cookies are accepted or to block getting cookies on your device or to enable only certain categories to be downloaded. Please note that if navigational or functional cookies are disabled or removed, some of the site’s features may not work as intended and you may not be able to use all provided features. To manage and disable cookies, follow the instructions in the chart below:
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox

Web beacons – (also known as “clear GIF” or “tracking pixels”) can inform us about: How many people visit our site, if they are single-time visitors or frequent visitors, and for how long, from online advertising campaigns and other similar site usage data. When used in an e-mail message, web beacons can tell us when the e-mail was opened, whether and how many times it was pushed, and to which link the users click through the e-mail. Based on this information, we can customize the content, products, services and offers we provide to meet your interests and to inform you about products, services and/or special offers that may interest you.

Log Files – are files that capture web activity and collect non-personal statistics about your visit or the use of our site. Logs can help us to record, among others: (i) your IP address, which is a unique set of numbers assigned to your computer by your ISP (note that depending on the ISP your computer may be different each time you connect to the Internet), (ii) the type of browser and operating system you are using and (iii) other information about your online visit, such as the URL from which you came to our site, the date and time you visited our site. In addition to using this information to better understand how our website is used, we can use information captured by logs such as an IP address (along with your personal information) to address technical problems, preserve Internet security and prohibit or restrict access to our online services to certain users.

We reserve the right to change or renew this notice of privacy and cookies at any time and any changes we may make in the future will be published on this page. Check frequently to see any updates or changes to this privacy and cookie notification.


We store your data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed and for the period during which claims may be raised under the law or until any such claims have been finally and irrevocably settled. Where processing is based on consent, the data is stored until the consent is revoked.


You are entitled to request access to your personal data, to request the rectification/erasure of your personal data and the restriction of its processing, the right to object to the processing and/or exercise your right to data portability, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. If processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time, with effect for the future. In case you are not satisfied with our use of your data or from our answer to the exercise of your above rights, you are entitled to file a complaint to the supervising authority. You may exercise your above rights by contacting Hellenic Innovation Network at the contact details referred to in the relevant section below.